Preparing a talk about the Enspiral network...

I will be in Sweden next week teaching and facilitating around the formation of projects and communities that will serve the emerging future. One of the networks I am part of, with increasing involvement, is the Enspiral network. It is a thing I draw huge amounts of inspiration from, and feel committed to serving and growing through this next period of my life.

Some snippets:

When asked, “What is Enspiral, and what does it mean to you?” the most common answer I receive is along the line: “It depends who you are talking to, and the answer you will get will be different each time you ask that question.”
Part of the intention of Enspiral is to model a "company of the future" - illustrating the possible "future of work" meshing the "more beautiful world" and our economic reality — into a really practical alternative to our mainstream way of working. I think these networks are the future, in being our best selves, unlocking our collective intelligence and potential.
How do we use our tools and new forms of viral communication to unlock our co-intelligence, do things in collaboration, outside of the system? 
Enspiral, to me, is a RELATIONSHIP of RELATIONSHIPS.

When we look to Nature, how does Nature organise these things? How does Nature do governance? How does Nature do decision-making? How does Nature do finances? Communication? This is part of what is so exciting to me, as a biologist and systems thinker, about the network. This is what happens when a group of nodes collect together, and listen to what wants to evolve and emerge.

What I am enjoying about this work... The combination of biology, social alchemy and social organisation... A version of my heaven!

This diagram, from Aaron Sachs and Anupam Kundu of the Thoughtworks network, captures a nice dimension of what Enspiral is too:



If you want to find out more about the network, visit: