Life for me is a lot about questions.

I question most things —

Especially the things that are not usually questioned.

I go through cycles where a particular question will dominate and guide my work, life and inquiries. I started to collect some here...

  1. How do we create technologies that serve humanity, and not vice versa? (2015)

  2. What does humanity ‘want’? And what does technology ‘want’? (2016)

  3. Who would we be if there were no problems to be solved? (2016)

  4. What does it mean to be human in this technological age? (2016)

  5. What does the perfect, functional, living, breathing and evolving organisation look like? (2017)

  6. Can a human ever be “fulfilled”? (2017)

  7. What will we be asking ourselves, when we look back at this period in 50 years — will it be like the “Daddy, what did you do in the great war?” poster of WW2? What did we not do? What did we wait for until it was too late? (2017)

  8. How can we strengthen our connection with future generations and the more-than-human world? (2018)

  9. What does it mean to design for more human organisations? What does a “more human” organisation look like? (2018)

  10. How can we increase ethical and moral decision-making? Why are so many decisions being made immoral? (2018)

  11. What is the role of government if not to preserve human, and non-human, life? (2019)

  12. If organisations and companies are vehicles for aligning human potential and action, why do so many fail? How could we do better? (2019)

  13. What is “moral imagination”, and how could imagination help us make better decisions? (2019)

  14. How do we create governance systems that work with complexity? (2020)

  15. How can we shift the way we make sense of the world to better perceive complexity? (2021)

  16. What does more-than-human governance and decision-making look like? (2021)

  17. How can imagination be harnessed for decision-making and governance? (2022)